​​​​​​​​​List of Approved Continuing Education

Community association management is a dynamic profession with frequently changing laws, issues, and technologies. To ensure credentialed managers can provide the most up to date service, CAMICB requires certified managers to complete 16 hours of continuing education every two years.​​ 

Education can consist of opportunities​ from webinars to courses to conferences, many of which are already approved and available on the Continuing Education Gallery​

CAMICB randomly audits recertification applications. Managers selected for audit will required to show documented proof of completion of continuing education courses. This includes courses offered on demand or at no cost. CAMICB encourages managers to retain documented proof of completion of continuing education for four years after course completion. 

To assist managers in finding appropriate continuing education opportunities for their individual professional development, CAMICB has a wide variety of options for managers to find and complete their hours. The avenues to obtain continuing education include: ​​

expand Question : 1. Pre-Approved Continuing Education  ‎(1)
expand Question : 2. CAI Education  ‎(1)
expand Question : 3. In-House Training ‎(1)
expand Question : 4. Submitted Continuing Education for Approval ‎(1)
expand Question : 5. State Approved Continuing Education ‎(1)
expand Question : 6. CMCA Prerequisite Coursework ‎(1)
expand Question : 7. Authorship credit ‎(1)
expand Question : 8. Teaching Credit ‎(1)
expand Question : 9. Volunteer Service ‎(1)