International cmca examination
What is the CMCA?
The Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®) is the only international certification program designed exclusively for managers of homeowner and condominium associations and cooperatives. The CMCA recognizes individuals who have demonstrated the fundamental knowledge required to manage community associations. Association homeowners, board members, and management companies seek qualified professionals to manage their communities. Obtaining the CMCA certification will give you and your employer confidence that you have the specialized skills they need.
CMCA Examination
The CMCA Examination is a 2.5-hour, 120-question multiple-choice exam that tests candidates in eight knowledge domains:
- Meetings
- Governance, Legal and Ethical Conduct
- Budgets, Reserves, Investments, and Assessments
- Financial Controls
- Risk Management and Insurance
- Property Maintenance
- Contracting
- Human Resources
The CMCA examination is delivered in Dubai, UAE several times per year. Administration dates in 2024 include:
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Thursday, August 29, 2024
You can apply for the administration date of your choosing by completing the International CMCA Application. Space in these administrations can fill up quickly, so you are recommended to apply as soon as possible. Contact for a copy of the application or to request to be added to the mailing list if you wish to receive updates about scheduled administrations in the future.
In order to be approved to test, your application form must demonstrate completion of one of the three prerequisite pathways. The prerequisite options are:
Option 2, Experience: If you have at least five years’ experience as a community association manager, you may receive a one-time waiver of the prerequisite course. The experience must be as a community association manager—not as an assistant manager. If you do not successfully pass the examination the first time, you will be required to take the prerequisite course prior to retaking the examination.
Option 3, License or Credential: You can establish eligibility if you hold an active license or credential from any of the following states: Arizona (CAAM), California (CCAM), Florida (FLCAM), Illinois (ILCAM), or Nevada (NVCAM).
Study Materials
The M-100 manual offers a detailed review of many of the terms, concepts, and best practices tested on the CMCA exam. All other available study resources are linked from CAMICB’s
Exam Preparation webpage. The
CMCA Exam Preparation E-Learning Course is a particularly useful free online resource that was designed specifically for candidates preparing to take the CMCA test and will provide greater detail about what to expect on the exam.
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