Volunteer for CAMICB
Volunteers are integral to fulfilling CAMICB’s mission to ensure the quality of professional community association management worldwide. Serving as a CAMICB volunteer is an excellent opportunity to network with peers while gaining new skills and insight into the industry. Volunteers can also earn continuing education (CE) credits toward recertifying their CMCA.
Service as a CAMICB volunteer is service to your profession. It is an opportunity to be involved in building and enhancing the level of professionalism in the field of community association management and to have a voice in defining the knowledge and skills required to serve effectively as a manager of a community association (also called a strata association, common interest development, or body corporate). As a CAMICB volunteer, you can deepen your knowledge of the profession and hone your expertise in one or more practice areas.
Our volunteers frequently work with accomplished peers in small work teams to complete critical tasks for CAMICB programs. These experiences are enjoyable and productive and offer extraordinary opportunities for networking with peers worldwide. Many CAMICB volunteers have made lifelong friendships and support each other outside their volunteer roles.
We invite credential holders and members of the public to submit names for consideration as volunteers for CAMICB. Below are summaries of the various volunteer opportunities available:
Board of Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners supervises, directs, and controls the corporation's policies and programs. They are responsible for all aspects of the CMCA program, including the development, administration, and scoring of the examination, adopting policies for the certification program, establishing criteria for certification and recertification, developing and implementing disciplinary policies and procedures, selecting subject-matter experts, interacting with governmental regulatory bodies, and communicating with the public about the certification program.
- Composition: The board consists of at least five CMCA certificants, up to three stakeholder representatives, and one public member. Stakeholder representatives may be certified or non-certified community managers and other professionals impacted by the community association management field, including legal professionals, financial experts, insurance professionals, and reserve specialists. The public member must represent the public’s concerns regarding quality and effectiveness and may not be a member of a related profession or a profession that provides services complementary to community association management services. The public member cannot be a previous community association manager.
- Terms: Three-year terms, with the possibility of serving two consecutive terms.
- Recruitment: The active recruitment window runs from May 1 to May 31 each year. The election is held at the Board's autumn meeting, usually in September or October.
Professional Conduct and Enforcement Committee. This committee is responsible for investigating alleged CMCA Standards of Professional Conduct violations by CMCA certificants, holding hearings, and recommending sanctions for violations. It also monitors the Standards and Procedures and makes recommendations to the Board.
- Composition: The committee consists of at least seven members. Manager members must be CMCA certificants. Non-manager members will have community association operational experience and represent approximately one-third of the committee’s composition.
- Terms: Two-year terms.
- Recruitment: Ongoing. Appointments may be as needed but typically take place in December.
Continuing Education Committee. This committee sets standards for and reviews, approves, and denies applications for continuing education courses.
- Composition: The committee comprises at least four community association management professionals.
- Terms: Two-year terms.
- Recruitment: Ongoing. Appointments may be as needed but typically take place in December.
CMCA Exam Development Committee. This committee is responsible for exam development and maintenance, including item development training, maintaining exam confidentiality, writing and reviewing exam items, managing pilot item reviews, reviewing and approving examination forms, periodically reviewing item and exam performance, making recommendations to the Board, and maintaining meeting minutes.
- Composition: The committee comprises stakeholders of the certification program. The majority of members will be certified. Non-certified members with access to confidential exam content may not take the CMCA exam for three years post-service. The committee reflects the diversity of the certification program, considering geographic representation, certification area and level, and experience level.
- Terms: Members serve terms of up to three years, with the possibility of serving up to three consecutive terms. After one year off, individuals may serve another term.
- Recruitment: Ongoing. Appointments may be as needed but typically take place in December.
Prerequisite Education Committee. This committee reviews individuals or groups applying to be prerequisite education providers for the CMCA exam. They determine if the applicants can design, implement, and evaluate courses that align with the CMCA exam’s knowledge areas. The Committee may also evaluate approved providers and courses for continued compliance.
- Composition: The committee comprises at least three community association management experts. No more than five members may serve at once. Current Exam Development Committee or Board of Commissioners members may not serve on this Committee.
- Terms: Members serve at the call of the Executive Director and may be reappointed without limitation.
- Recruitment: Ongoing. Staff appoints the committee as needed.
Exam Preparatory Committee. This committee periodically reviews, evaluates, and suggests improvements for all CMCA exam source materials and preparatory tools. They ensure content accuracy and relevance to the community association management field and work with CAMICB staff and vendors to update materials.
- Composition: The committee comprises five individuals with five consecutive years or seven non-consecutive years of community association management experience. Non-managers with instructional design experience may also be appointed. Committee members may not be members of the Exam Development Committee or instructors for approved prerequisite courses. They must sign a non-disclosure agreement and are restricted from creating, publishing, or reviewing CMCA exam-related training materials for two years post-service.
- Terms: Members serve until the periodic review is complete, estimated to take six months. They may not serve consecutive terms.
- Recruitment: Ongoing. Staff appoints the committee as needed.
Submit a Volunteer Nomination
Please email info@camicb.org if you are interested in volunteering. Include your contact information, how you learned about us, and what committees you are interested in serving in, and a member of our staff will get back to you.